This course is a joint presentation of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Disability and Medical Assessment (DMA) and the Employee Education System. This program will focus on the Compensation and Pension (C&P) Gulf War General Medical examination. Experienced individuals from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA), the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), and VHA contributed to this course.

Course Purpose

The purpose of this web-based training course is to provide an overview of the C&P Gulf War General Medical examination process. It will address a knowledge gap by providing updated information, including procedures to prepare for, conduct, and properly document a C&P Gulf War General Medical examination sufficient for adjudication purposes. You will successfully address the knowledge gap by achieving a score of 80 percent or higher in the Final Assessment.

Target Audience

This training is designed for C&P examiners and all other clinicians seeking information on how to properly conduct and document a C&P Gulf War General Medical examination.

Length of the Course

This course will take you approximately one hour to complete. If you must exit the course before completion, your place will be bookmarked so you can continue where you left off. However, in order for the bookmark to work, you must use the course Exit (x) button and not the browser’s close button.

Please complete the lessons in the order presented so you can build on knowledge from one lesson to the next. Each lesson includes knowledge checks or exercises designed to help you apply the knowledge you gain along the way.


When you complete the entire course, you will have access to the Final Assessment. A score of 80 percent or higher on the Final Assessment is required for accreditation purposes. The final page of this course contains instructions for accessing a certificate of completion.