Examiner assess the foot of a Veteran on exam table

Use the Gulf War General Medical and other documentation protocols as requested on an examination request (VA form 21-2507) to conduct the physical examination. Considerations and suggestions discussed earlier in this course will apply during this part of the examination.


  1. Remember to document findings during the examination because this can be a long examination.
  2. Adhere to VA’s diagnostic guidelines from 38 CFR 4.88a and 4.88b for chronic fatigue syndrome, and diagnostic guidelines listed from 38 CFR 4.71 for fibromyalgia.
  3. Symptoms or complaints received during the medical history may prompt you to initiate other C&P documentation protocols as appropriate.
  4. Provide a medical statement that says which category of illness the condition or symptoms that you have found fall into under the remarks section of each documentation protocol that you follow.


You’ll also need to request required diagnostic tests as needed. Considerations for diagnostic testing are covered next.